DCSGP Platform


DC Statehood and full political equality for DC residents

The hallmark issue of the DC Statehood Green Party is achieving Statehood and full political equality for DC residents.  The DC Statehood Party was formed during the fight for Home Rule in the 1960's & 1970's.  Early Statehood party leaders such as Julius Hobson, Hilda Mason and Josephine Butler, served on the DC City Council and as community leaders.  The DC Statehood Green Party builds on their legacy, in our historic struggle to achieve statehood.  We support congressional lobbying, community organizing, and litigation to achieve statehood.

Major local issues:  

Affordable housing:  The DC Statehood Green Party supports preservation of housing before it deteriorates; expanding rent control and eliminating loopholes which allow landlords to raise rents; home-ownership options such as TOPA (Tenant Opportunity to Purchase), coops, and social housing.  We also support preservation and upgrading public housing, which is unhealthful and unsafe for residents.

Health equity:  The DC Statehood Green Party has long stood for health equity and expansion of medical facilities.  We opposed the closing of DC General hospital in 2001, and have supported expanded community health facilities.  It is critical to have full hospital facilities in all areas of the city, including obstetrics & maternal wards, trauma care, etc.  We demand that COVID-19 health budgets be used equitably throughout the city.

Public education:  The DC Statehood Green Party has always supported a publicly-elected school board, and community control of schools.  Two of our members, Gail Dixon and Ann Wilcox, served on the elected Board of Education.  We support community and parental involvement in education; full support for teachers; safe passage for students, and the removal of police officers from schools.  We do not support Mayoral control of DCPS.

Development that serves communities:  We oppose high-priced development in DC, which floods the housing market with non-affordable units and reduces green space.  We believe that historic McMillan Park should be retained as parkland, with preservation of historic features. New development should always include deeply-affordable housing, recreation and play spaces, and open green space.  Air quality and traffic reduction are key factors.

Policing and safety:    The DC Statehood Green Party believes that the role of policing has historically been oppressive to communities of color, and that police are called into situations where other community resources should be utilized.  Mental health and counseling services should respond to many community issues.  Militarization of police, use of military equipment and tactics, should all be eliminated.  We support reducing the budget and size of the police force.

Click on a Platform issue area for more details: